Does Cannabis Help Heal Your Vagina?
So, essentially every article seems to tout the benefits of cannabis and your body. No, don’t be discouraged if you don’t smoke pot and your only interaction might be your clearly high UBER driver or yoga instructor. So how does cannabis interact with your vagina?
What Is Cannabis Good For?
Essentially, most of the good associated with cannabis products is typically derived from the CBD which has potent anti inflammatory effects. The THC component, which has psychoactive effects and the main reason recreational use is there, does help vasodilation.
So Does Smoking Cannabis Really Help Your Vagina?
In a sense, and this seems to be true of many studies involving cannabis, we don’t know. In theory, CBD helps relax muscles, has potent antiinflammatory effects and for these reasons seems to be helpful for some women with vaginismus or vaginal pain. The THC seems to vasodilate, which can help women with blood flow. THC and CBD can be smoked, which we don’t recommend due to effects on lungs. Oral ingestion and its long term effects have not been studied. Finally, there are a few vaginal suppositories which supposedly can help.
In Conclusion…
Although cannabis seems to solve every human problem, there are essentially limited studies in vaginal health to support its use. As with any treatment, although we are open minded, we like proen theapies that are SAFE.
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